Trauma - Orbital and Zygoma Fractures
Mid-Facial Fracture Repair
Orbital and Zygoma Fracture repair is a frequent but potentially complex surgical procedure. The indications for surgical repair of orbit and mid-face fractures include: double vision, pain on eye movement, enophthalmos (“a sinking eye”), periorbital deformity, and large fractures with significant displacement. While orbital fracture repair is often a successful operation, there are substantial risks associated with orbital surgery including continued double vision, vision loss, implant complications, and the need for further surgeries. To help you make appropriate decisions regarding your particular situation and options for management, you should discuss your condition with Dr. Klapper or Dr. Bacorn, your primary care physician, and your eye care provider and have all of your questions and concerns addressed prior to surgical intervention.
Klapper Eyelid & Facial Plastic Surgery treats disorders, injuries, and other abnormalities of the eyelids, eyebrow, tear duct system, eye socket, and adjacent areas of the mid and upper face.